Antioch. California, September 23, 2022.
The need is simple:
Children and students in Liberia need books and learning materials.
Learning Squared is organizing its rd annual back-to-school book ride throughout our project areas in Liberia, distributing learning materials, notebooks, pens, and pencils to underprivileged students and community schools.
Many vulnerable and underserved children whose families cannot afford to keep them in school are without books and supplies for the school year. The book ride will assist many parents who are faced with financial difficulties and can't afford increased tuition and other school-related expenses.
The proposed event is a month-long back-to-school book ride across the project locations and setting up two (2) community-owned notebooks and supplies hubs in two (2) counties, Bong and Bomi Counties. The Hub will serve as a depository of notebooks and supplies for schools and students. In addition, schools can request additional
supplies through these Hubs that a joint management team will manage, comprising LSL, school authorities, and parents.
Our goal is to support over 5,000 students with learning materials, notebooks, pens, and pencils, this year.
Learning Squared Liberia is a registered Liberian civil society. Founded in 2016 and rebranded as Learning Squared in July 2019. The organization supports early childhood (ECE) and primary education efforts in rural Liberia. By providing young people, women, and children access to creative learning opportunities and innovative, scalable ways for women, girls,

and communities to finance their small businesses through a social business model and support their children's education.
Read more about Learning Squared Liberia from our website: Email: info@learningsquaredlib.org Website: Www.learningsquaredlib.org. Phone: Liberia +231(0)886828014- USA +1 510 200 3732